Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lets Be Greedy And Fearsome Of The Credit Cards With Rewards

credit cards with rewards---------    .--credit cards with rewards

Our financial is controlled by mostly our feeling of greediness and fearsome. What we meant by greedy is always try to grab the best opportunity that being offered by the credit cards with rewards and the feeling of fearsome is fear of cannot control and overspend the credit limit.  Aren't we all consumers share the same goal of trying to getting the top of personal spending and staying there. 

What should be greedy of?

One, be greedy with the Annual Premium Rate. Search for the one that offers you the most effective rate. You should aim for the most low interest credit cards or 0% credit cards.

Two, grab and be greedy for benefits.  Look out  for a card that offers rewards, air miles or money back. Since you are paying the balance off every month you may be ready to get full gain of the advantages you earn.

Third, be greedy when it involves utilizing with more than one cards for your usage. Do not used too many cards at one time.  Just have two or three is good enough.

credit cards with rewards---------    .--credit cards with rewards

Differentiate the usage i.e  benefit card for monthly budgeted things that can continually be paid off, another card for emergencies that offers a low APR and finally utilize your travel card when on travelling and buying expenses.

What You Should Fear Of Are:-

Firstly, missing a monthly payment or in a polite word 'overlooked'. A missed payment not only generate interest but will incure a late charges on the account. It will be shown on your credit report and lower your score.

Secondly, carrying credit balance.  Try to pay off all the credits every month because this will  enhance the interest charges and increase the credit score.

Thirdly, do read all the terms and conditions that elaborate all the credit cards with rewards contract.  It will spell clearly on the higher interest rates charge for cash advances and the increase rates on interest if the balance not been paid at month end.

After much deliberation, the conclusion is try to use the greediness and fearsome effectively and wisely.  Of course, in modern world credit cards with rewards is an important tool rather than carrying too much cash in our pocket.  Anyway, just be careful of your spending and limiting the credit cards.

credit cards with rewards---------    .--credit cards with rewards

Time Is Gold..Use It Wisely..

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